Bearing in mind that touch is the first sense to develop in humans (it starts in the womb) and that we rely on it before basic motor and cognitive skills are developed, we at mysunshine have brought you a new play mat from Sophie the Giraffe featuring a multitude of tactile senses for baby to discover. The reasons we chose this game are to enable the child, through the game, to: 1. To learn to distinguish and perceive the qualitative characteristics of the object he touches (or is touched by) 2. To react to whether a stimulus is pleasant or unpleasant 3. To develop gross and fine motor skills 4. To stimulate his vision through colors A child, who has received a variety of appropriate tactile stimuli from an early age, exhibits good body awareness, body awareness, and good gross and fine coordination. The mat consists of a variety of textures, from soft surfaces to stimulating terrains, each of which has been chosen to stimulate baby's curiosity and encourage their sensory development. It has various bas-relief textures, chews, protected balls that can be moved, a mirror and various toys with crumpled paper sounds. The bottom is non-slip so it always stays in place as the child enjoys playing. You can easily carry it everywhere with you, since it becomes a keg and is attached with Velcro. When a child's tactile system is working properly, they feel comfortable and secure in their body. They have no difficulty dressing and wearing different clothes. They are able to come into contact with a variety of textures without a problem. They are not worried or afraid of what certain sensations might be like. They are able to use both hands together to complete a variety of important daily living skills. For this, offer your child toys, playing with them he will discover the properties of objects through the sense of touch and expand his horizons!
Product code : S240131